
Just published – Linguaggi e ideologie del Rinascimento monarchico aragonese (1442-1503): Forme della legittimazione e sistemi di governo [Languages and Ideologies of the Aragonese Monarchical Renaissance (1442-1503): Forms of Legitimacy and Systems of Government]

Libro – Linguaggi e ideologie del Rinascimento monarchico aragonese (1442-1503): Forme della legittimazione e sistemi di governo

Book – Languages and Ideologies of the Aragonese Monarchical Renaissance (1442-1503): Forms of Legitimacy and Systems of Government

ed. Fulvio Delle Donne – Antonietta Iacono, Napoli, FedOA press, 2018 (Regna. Testi e studi su istituzioni, cultura e memoria del Mezzogiorno medievale, 3)

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Puntando l’attenzione sul particolare contesto storico-politico del Regno di Napoli in età aragonese (1442-1503), il volume esplora la varietà dei linguaggi connessi con la prassi politica (linguaggi giuridici, letterari, artistici, politici), analizzati nelle loro specificità, ma anche nelle reciproche osmotiche relazioni. Punto di riflessione conclusivo dopo un convegno organizzato a Napoli, integra prospettive e competenze interdisciplinari, mettendo alla prova e affinando l’idea di un graduale sviluppo di un organismo complesso che – attraverso la letteratura, l’oratoria, la trattatistica politica, le rappresentazioni artistiche e le pratiche amministrative – va nella direzione della creazione di un “sistema statuale”, che pure opera ancora sotto la guida della sovranità.

The book focuses on the particular historical-political context of the Kingdom of Naples in the Aragonese period (1442-1503), and explores the variety of languages related to political practice: juridical, literary, artistic, political languages are analyzed in their specificities, but also in their reciprocal osmotic relations. This volume offers a conclusive reflection after a conference organized in Naples, and integrates interdisciplinary perspectives. It tests and refines the hypothesis concerning the gradual development of a complex organism that – through literature, oratory, political treatises, artistic representations and administrative practices – goes in the direction of a “state system”, which still operates under the guidance of sovereignty.

Forthcoming book: The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300–1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy

[:it]L. Cabré, A. Coroleu, M. Ferrer, A. Lloret, J. Pujol, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300–1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy, Tamesis -Boydell & Brewer, in press (March 2018)

This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only the Latin and Catalan languages, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese, Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed at students and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia-and to anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition-this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from the classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge’s Lo somni, Joanot Martorell’s Tirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Güelfa, Ausiàs March’s poetry, and Joan Roís de Corella’s prose.

Information[:en]L. Cabré, A. Coroleu, M. Ferrer, A. Lloret, J. Pujol, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300–1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy, Tamesis -Boydell & Brewer, in press (March 2018)

This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only the Latin and Catalan languages, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese, Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed at students and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia-and to anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition-this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from the classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge’s Lo somni, Joanot Martorell’s Tirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Güelfa, Ausiàs March’s poetry, and Joan Roís de Corella’s prose.

Information[:ca]L. Cabré, A. Coroleu, M. Ferrer, A. Lloret, J. Pujol, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300–1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy, Tamesis -Boydell & Brewer, in press (March 2018)

This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only the Latin and Catalan languages, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese, Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed at students and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia-and to anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition-this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from the classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge’s Lo somni, Joanot Martorell’s Tirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Güelfa, Ausiàs March’s poetry, and Joan Roís de Corella’s prose.

Information[:es]L. Cabré, A. Coroleu, M. Ferrer, A. Lloret, J. Pujol, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300–1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy, Tamesis -Boydell & Brewer, in press (March 2018)

This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only the Latin and Catalan languages, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese, Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed at students and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia-and to anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition-this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from the classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge’s Lo somni, Joanot Martorell’s Tirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Güelfa, Ausiàs March’s poetry, and Joan Roís de Corella’s prose.

Information[:fr]L. Cabré, A. Coroleu, M. Ferrer, A. Lloret, J. Pujol, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300–1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy, Tamesis -Boydell & Brewer, in press (March 2018)

This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only the Latin and Catalan languages, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese, Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed at students and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia-and to anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition-this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from the classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge’s Lo somni, Joanot Martorell’s Tirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Güelfa, Ausiàs March’s poetry, and Joan Roís de Corella’s prose.

Information[:de]L. Cabré, A. Coroleu, M. Ferrer, A. Lloret, J. Pujol, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300–1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy, Tamesis -Boydell & Brewer, in press (March 2018)

This book offers the first comprehensive study of the reception of the classical tradition in medieval Catalan letters, a multilingual process involving not only the Latin and Catalan languages, but also neighbouring vernaculars like Aragonese, Castilian, French, and Italian. The authors survey the development of classical literacy from the twelfth-century Aragonese royal courts until the arrival of the printing press and the dissemination of Italian Humanism. Aimed at students and scholars of medieval and early modern Iberia-and to anyone interested in medieval Romance literatures and the classical tradition-this volume also provides a concise introduction to the medieval Crown of Aragon, a catalogue of translations into Catalan of texts from the classical antiquity through the Italian Renaissance, and a critical study of the influence of the classics in five major works: Bernat Metge’s Lo somni, Joanot Martorell’s Tirant lo Blanc, the anonymous Curial e Güelfa, Ausiàs March’s poetry, and Joan Roís de Corella’s prose.
